Thursday, June 19, 2008


There are two sides to Mike Tyson. Here's one...

...AND the other..

lol. he's fcukin crazy! Still tight though. gnite!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm Losing Interest

in this blog thing. Seems like I say the same shit every day. With that said... It's time to whip out the gayass camera!

So today, I didn't really do much. chores. workout. eastridge.
But most importantly...

Cleaned the threes

both pairs.

packed up the Elite for repairs...

restored blk cement iii midsole temporarily.

I bought some gay black footlocker laces for them.
they don't look right, but they'll do for now ... i guess.
I need to buy me some angelus paint for quality restoration.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

"Refurbished Elite" my ass! Fuck Fry's!

Don't want to say much today cus now is not the time.

Things I need to buy w/ whatever's left of my ISS & Half cash...

  • laces for Plums online
  • leather paints for restoration of iiis & customs online
  • Hefty 2.5 Liter bags
  • cheap, whatever clothes
Just things that I need to buy before summer ends...
  • New Xbox 360 (Mine fcuking broke while playing GTA IV. I'm guessing something went wrong with the laser. perhaps misaligned? anyways... GTA IV disc is fine..)
  • USB Flash drive w/ Micro SD adapter
  • Ipod nano case
  • foldable workout bench
  • 35 lb. dumbbells
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.

dammit, I still can't believe my Xbox fcukin broke. So pissed right now.. *sigh*

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Red Sun on Friday the 13th

... kinda scary right? what are the odds of that? Of course it was nothing supernatural... just a couple bigass fires from Santa Cruz, Monterey, and some other place. Still kinda weird though...


I need a fcuking job. NOW! I don't think you realize how upset I am now from what I found out. AGH! I am temporarily disabled due to a burn across my fist from my sister's hair iron straightener bullshit. My mom says that I shouldn't workout anymore because of the location of the burn (on my knuckles) ... I need it to heal first. So, meanwhile I've been substituting with cardio and ab workouts. I don't remember when the last time I did either was... To sum everything up: My life sucks right now.

PS. Kuya Noel is a G. Oh, and happy happy birthday, Kuya Anthony!

-Call all the places that I applied to
-Recycle for cash (see?! I need money desperately!!)
-Wake up & workout early. (I am in better moods that way)
-Vacuum & clean windows

Quote of the week...
"If you want something badly, you have to learn to be aggressive!" - dad

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Talagang "Lazy"

As soon as I woke up, I got rid of all my errands that required me driving a car. First stop, WaMu, where I deposited a shit load of skrill, noimsayin? lol. anyways... Second day back at Ballys wasn't that bad. I was able to update and use my ipod this time around, that way I didn't have to workout to Madonna jams on the stereos like the day before. Oh, and I'm pretty damn sure something is wrong with my back. After the workout, I changed into some jeans, freshened up a bit, and headed over to Eastridge (again) to turn in my applications that I got the day before. Back at home, I did my usual chores and finished my day workout playing with my sister's Wii Fit. Shit is pretty crazy, yo. That is... if you do the exercises properly. (cus there are easy ways to cheat) Not only that, but its addicting as hell, too. In the middle of my session, Aly called to inform me that she locked herself outta the house, so I had to pick her and her little sister up. They came over to play with Cupcake and try out the Wii Fit. Pretty sure they enjoyed it and want one of their own. That's pretty much all I did today, though. Got everything outta the way first before doing Wii Fit workouts and what not.

Summary of Summer so far: Too much video games... No money.... I'm starting to get bored. Don't want to waste gas. I really need that job soon.

On another note: ISS needs to revert its search engine. I hate the new one. Trying to be all purple n shit now. I'm pretty much going through everyone's page and their whack ass shoes looking for some Huf vans.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

That is some bullshit... lol

Let me first say... DAMN it's so hot!
Unlike the past couple of days, I had a relatively good day today. I was able to accomplish everything I needed to do, including going to Ballys for the first time in two weeks! Did work, sons!
I can easily say that I was satisfied by the workout, and continued doing work at home-- completing all of my assigned chores and then some. The other day, my mom got on my ass about finding a job, so today I visited Eastridge to pick up some applications. Before heading to the mall, Aly withdrew the 275 from my sales, but I decided to give her 75 just for whatever. Speaking of decisions, I decided not to buy the HUF Silver Sk8-His because after seeing them in pix... eh... I'd rather buy blue ones. Plus, they'd be a bitch to clean. But yeah... if anything, I'd switch to buying them in blue. Lol... When I wrote the seller back on Ebay, Man, did he get mad. lol "WOW... That is some bullshit--" Man, fuck you, dogg!! Faggot. Hmm... At least I saved $220. Now, thats 360 to the bank tomorrow! Anyways... I just finished filling out the apps. Hopefully I'll be getting calls in the next week or so. Tryin' to make that monies, maang! Peace

Saturday, June 7, 2008

"Do Work, son."

I really need to be consistent with workouts at the gym (whether it's Ballys or the Y). I don't think I'm getting anywhere with home workouts... gotta "Push it to the max!" within a month, before the big pool party and all. That means Subway & salads & other healthy food. Dieting is so damn hard, but gotta follow the advice from my buddy, Jin, that "90% is all diet. You are what you eat." or was it 80%? i forget, but either way.. dieting is just not for me. However, I got kind of motivated yesterday after Aly's Uncle indirectly called me fat (or said I gained weight). Not cool. My Wii Fit should be coming in the mail sometime next week. After reading 3-4 testimonials... I don't think that shit really works, but then again.. the people who were testing it were fitness instructors and trainers; people who are already fit. I'll give it a shot though.

On other news...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Alexis (and happy grad. too!)

Edited @ 1:31AM

Let me start off by saying "Happy Birthday, Gretchen!"

After a hard day of doing nothing, I rushed to get ready for Alexis' party. I decided to bring Bo, just cus... ended up having to take him home within like 20 minutes. Gaad, he was acting real whack towards everyone today. Afterwards, I assisted Aly in frying lumpia and watched a movie in the backyard (Mr. E has this sickass projector..) 30 days of night. that movie looks corny as dick! I couldn't watch the whole thing, so decided to eat while watching Japanese pranks on Youtube. (I suggest you do that sometime if you want quality knee-slapping action. Try searching "Japanese Pranks," "Silent Library," & "Human Tetris" just to name a few) An accident occurred and now I just hope everyone is okay... Shasha's graduation tomorrow. hopefully I'll be able to go. peace.


GYEEEEAAA!! Aly taught me how to add vids on this thing. I guarantee that you'll find this blog entertaining. Here's a taste...

Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday already?!

Okay, let me just start off by saying that last night was pretty damn sick. Happy birthdays/ house warming again to Marcelo and Mezza. It was nice chillin' with everyone again! I noticed a couple things that have changed since the last time we all got together...

1. Ate Eunice chopped off some of her hair.
2. G is not filipino... and Mezza isn't either.
3. Marcelo's Supreme Chukkas looked clean as hell.
4. I didn't know that Borca "hosts" parties. wow.
5. Avery HAS hair.
6. I thought it was Wednesday yesterday! fffock!

After missing a couple calls from my moms, we left the party & headed over to Seniore's Pizza. Now that was some good ass pizza for a good ass price! Slept on the way back, while Ate Eunice & B caught up. As soon as I got home, I tried to pull some ninja shit heading straight to my room. What a night. I'd go into more detail, but naaaah.. Oh, and thanks to Ate Eunice for taking us! goodshit.

So, June 6th already. Today is Alexis' 8th grade graduation. Congrats! Hopefully I'll be able to go... Might go with my sister to pick up her paycheck a little bit later. Pat has a game today, too, but I don't know if I'll be able to come through. Don't know what else I have planned. Should be fun nonetheless.. peace!

On the side note...
1. Salads aren't that bad.
2. That peanut-butter with the dog thing is really funny! Hahaha
3. I still have to chill with my "sis," Anna, this summer.


... and that's all I have to say! gnite!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Busy Day

So after hitting the "snooze" button on my alarm like 4 times this morning, I started my day off strong with a little visit to the Y with buddy/work out partner, Pat. Unfortunately, we both weren't satisfied by the intensity of the workout.. Lots of shit running through our heads--we were just out of it today. Plus, one of our best buddies, Jeff, wasn't able to make it today. It's all good though! Tomorrow will be better. Anyways... When I got home, I ate lunch and finished my meal with probably the best protein shake that I've ever made, consisting of bananas, peanut butter, and milk chocolate protein mix. Also, I received news that my lola would be staying with us for a while after returning from the PI, and that meant hardcore cleaning! After 3 hours of cleaning, I decided to play with my homies, Cupcake & Rambo. Yeah, they're my dogs.

this is Cupcake and her favorite tennis ball.

Here's Bo doing who knows what. He always does weird shit. It's okay though! He is quite a character.

After playing with the dogs for a bit, got ready to chill with the lover. Together, we just sat around searching up weird/funny videos on Youtube. That pretty much wraps up my June 4th. In short, I just cleaned the whole day. One helluva busy day when it came to cleaning, too.

On other news...
There is a Gary V concert coming up real soon on the 13th. Martin Niviera is his special guest, too. Just thought I should throw it out there. It's not like I'm a hardcore fan of their music or anything, but I'm pretty sure a lot of Filipino parents out there are. Like a lot a lot. I might go just for kicks though... plus, it'd be a perfect Father's Day gift for my dad who pretty much listens to these guys sing 24/7. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the Jabbawockeez are going to be there, too. Should be "talagang" exciting!

Dragonball Movie? Forreals.

I still don't know where I stand on this movie. Chances are that it is going to suck real bad, but when I found out that Stephen Chow (Shaolin Soccer & Kung Fu Hustle) is producing it, I started to have second thoughts..

Kristin Kreuk as Chun Li. I guess...

This movie should be interesting. I made up my mind a LONG time ago, which is... I'm watching it either way. Kristin Kreuk's in it, c'mon! Her acting may suck at times, but she does NOT go wrong when it comes to looks.

and finally...

A couple things off my Wish List for summer 08 as of June 5th
(subject to cha
nge with time)

Street Fighter IV on Xbox 360

Gears of War II on Xbox 360

From the last blog entry, probably in Silver or Blue would be nice...

Again, from last entry. I want these bad boys in red for next school year, fshaaaooo!

Blk/Cement Jordan III $400+
This time DS. Not some shitty refurb'd one like last time.

Unkles $500+
Once again, DS. Don't buy Unkles off ISS that claim to be "VVNDS." The pictures tell lies..

and yeah! I'll save the rest for some other time. Peace!

Boredom Causes You To Do This....

Welcome to Chewyjell0tinnut's blog! (Not to be confused with Calvinasincalvin's blog, which is 100 x sexier, updated frequently, and has nice camera pictures.) This blog was created out of boredom. Starting today, I will use this site as some what of a diary--err-- journal. Don't expect to see many pics on this blog due to the fact that my camera is gay. Okay! Let's get started now..

June 3rd summary
-pretty much just chilled.
-listened to "The Carter III" album like 21093 times.
-started playing Grand Theft Auto IV from the beginning.
-turned in VS application. thanks for the ride, b!
-washed & waxed the IS.
-tried to draw Street Fighter characters (just like the good old days) = Failed.
-started writing in an unused, blue, spiral notebook and tried using it as a summer journal. Yeah, didn't want to do that. kind of.... yeah.
-more unfinished chores to complete tomorrow...

I need monies, dog.
$162.39 payment from desperately purchasing a Wii Fit
$274.24 off of sales

While browsing the internet, just a couple things caught my gentle eyes...

Huf x Sk8 Hi Vans Silver Satin = $230-250

Supreme x Vans Sk8 Hi "Bad Brains" = $130-$160

alright! so there it is, folks. my first blog entry. gyeeeeeeaa! maybe another one tomorrow? (or later today?) idk yet, come back tomorrow and find out! My guess is that the next blog will be "wish list" related, haha. peace!