Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Talagang "Lazy"

As soon as I woke up, I got rid of all my errands that required me driving a car. First stop, WaMu, where I deposited a shit load of skrill, noimsayin? lol. anyways... Second day back at Ballys wasn't that bad. I was able to update and use my ipod this time around, that way I didn't have to workout to Madonna jams on the stereos like the day before. Oh, and I'm pretty damn sure something is wrong with my back. After the workout, I changed into some jeans, freshened up a bit, and headed over to Eastridge (again) to turn in my applications that I got the day before. Back at home, I did my usual chores and finished my day workout playing with my sister's Wii Fit. Shit is pretty crazy, yo. That is... if you do the exercises properly. (cus there are easy ways to cheat) Not only that, but its addicting as hell, too. In the middle of my session, Aly called to inform me that she locked herself outta the house, so I had to pick her and her little sister up. They came over to play with Cupcake and try out the Wii Fit. Pretty sure they enjoyed it and want one of their own. That's pretty much all I did today, though. Got everything outta the way first before doing Wii Fit workouts and what not.

Summary of Summer so far: Too much video games... No money.... I'm starting to get bored. Don't want to waste gas. I really need that job soon.

On another note: ISS needs to revert its search engine. I hate the new one. Trying to be all purple n shit now. I'm pretty much going through everyone's page and their whack ass shoes looking for some Huf vans.

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