Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Good-bye to Champs... for now.

so today happened to be my last day at work, which was pretty sad. It was tight, too! My manager/homeboy, Duane came through and got some pizzas for everyone working kinda as a going away celebration. I hate to leave my team especially when we just started getting along so well! We weren't even co-workers.. more like BFFs n shit. haha.. oh man, sucks to say good-bye, but i'm pretty sure that it won't be the last time they'll be seeing me around the store. I'm practically in there everyday anyways! I'll be back for winter break (which is fuckin' hellla long for us.. like 2+ months. good thing.) , and that is only 4 months away. Hopefully I still have a connect for that Jordan III/XX package in October. We'll see... either way, I'm getting the XI/XII for sure since I'll be back at work and all. Good times though.. My best work experience hands down! I look forward to seeing everyone again in December

1 comment:

Kp said...

Yoooo kuya, I'm bored in web design class so I'm reading your blog. Aaanyways I hope everythings good over there in Dominican. I just talked to my counselor about college ... I really wanna go to San Diego State. Mm well, my phone broke yesterday ]; Ooo well. K well take care! love you. byebye