Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So far so good.

Summer is looking pretty good so far...

-high possibility of working at Champs again--yeah, not that great AND i know there are better jobs out there. Not really desperate to go look for one either so I guess it's alright.

-training sessions with the pups are improving.

-Tony Horton is starting to play a very important role in my summer life.

-acing this pharmacology class as promised.

Things to do...

-check in with Jury Duty on Friday

-put my shit on eBay

-Ballys/Run&Basketball/meet with Tony Horton at least 5 times week

-get my iPhone jailbroken and do cool shit with it.

-do all the gay Prototypes for pharmacology class due Wednesday.

Things to buy...

-Iron Gym

-Acekard 2i & 4GB Micro SD

-Sunglasses (despite this weird weather we're having)

-The FURminator

-Save for Space Jams & TBIII(?)

-Save for Anni

-Save for a possible SoCal trip

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